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Mentoring provides meaningful connections that impact the people involved and influence their lives at home, at work, and in their communities. It is linked to improved academic, social and economic prospects. Mentorship also helps to build leadership and management skills and networking opportunities.

We aim to develop mentees between the ages of 18-25 years, helping them to stretch themselves through training, coaching and motivation. We hope to assist in supporting and guiding them to success. We will foster a culture of learning, drive diversity of thought and help participants to become better leaders.

I believe that to develop our nation, we must develop better leaders. This program is distinctly targeted at developing the leadership skills and maximizing the full potential of those in the program.

We aim to have a cohort every 6 months and for those mentees to become mentors for the next generation.

The program is built on 6 pillars that I believe have helped to drive my success: Faith, Mindset, Gratitude, Service, Vision and Integrity.

If you are between the ages of 18-25 and would like to be a part of the program, send an email to telling us what you hope to gain from being a part of the mentorship program. We welcome serious inquirers only.


Become a mentee!

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